

The Psychotic Pizza Chef!

Asst. No. 5000
Stock No. 5111

Vital Pizzatistics


Pizza Peg Leg
Clever Cleaver
Pizza Box Shield
Two Propelling Pizzas


Pisa, Italy

Blood Type

Extra Spicy


Deep Pan Extra Large

Favorite Topping

Mutant Turtles

Favorite Fish



Pizzaface - Shredder's crazed culinary creator - had a plan to become the most powerful pizza chef ever. So he zapped himself in his Retromutagen oven, hoping the energy would bake him with badness. But the hungry Turtle Teens burst into the parlor and pulled Pizzaface out. Now this half-baked bozo wants to get even with the Turtles for foiling his formula. All the Turtles wanted was a large pepperoni to go - but instead they got part pizza and part Pizzaface!

Possessing the power of the pizza pie, Pizzaface is the ultimate Turtle nightmare: traveling from parlor to parlor, he terrorizes the Turtles, trying to turn them into tasty teen topping. Armed with flying piping pizzas and a Pizza Box Shield, this peg-legged pizza piper follows the Foot, even though he's only got one good leg. And what's worse? He delivers.


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