Mutant Machine Gun
Bandolier with Bullet Belt
"Infrared" Binoculars
Changeable Camouflage
Mutant Mine Sweeper
Favorite Food:
Favorite Halls:
When the free world is on the brink of destruction, call the special Mutant army of
one, known only by his code name - Delta Team Don. He's cool underfire and hot
under his collar. No matter where the Foot hide - on land, in the sea or up in the
air - Delta Team Don will track 'em down and mow 'em over. There is no defense
against this unstoppable Mutant marine. He's got the bad boys in sight with his
"infrared" binoculars. And every target's always within range of his massive Mutant
machine gun. They'll never know what hit 'em thanks to Don's changeable camouflage.
Once Delta Team Don gets his orders, you can rest assured that the mission will be
accomplished come Foot clan or high water. So stand at attention and salute the only
Mutant who will take 'em all on - and win. Atten hut!